User ImageWelcome to Chat

Enquiry Form

Contact Form

Are you satisfied?

-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Design And Control of Single Stage AC-DC Buck Converter For Drive Applications


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Voice Controlled Four-wheel Robot using Arduino


-20% NEW

Android Projects



-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT-Based App-Controlled Robot


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart AI Blind Stick Using Raspberry Pi and Object Recognition with Voice Feedback


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Human Following Robot


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Wireless Energy Transfer on Road for Electrical Vehicles


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Live Streaming Using ESP32CAM


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Real-time Plant irrigation, disease, and animal detection


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Deep Learning Based Weed Detection and Plucking


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Electronic E-voting Machine


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Eye Cataract Detection using Digital Image Processing


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Object detection and Tracking using kalman filter


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Implementation of a Child Rescue System from Bore well for Long Range Applications


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

DTMF Controlled Robotic Vehicle


-60% NEW

Image Processing



-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System using STM32


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Fake currency detection using image processing and Machine learning


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Object Detection Using ESP32CAM


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Network


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Inventory Management System using Machine Learning


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects



-0% NEW

IoT Projects



-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Robotic Arm control using Arduino micro controller and Servo motors


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart shopping trolley using Raspberry pi


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Face & fingerprint based bank locker security system using raspberry pi with otp verification


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Multiple Tracking of Moving Objects with Kalman Filtering and PCA-GMM Method


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Network


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Fingerprint based Voting System


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Smart Electricity Energy Meter and Theft detection


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Whether monitoring and control system


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

IOT Based Smart Army Uniform


-60% NEW

Web Application

Blood Bank Management System


-60% NEW

Image Processing



-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Fire Protection System


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IOT base agriculture plant monitoring and automatic control water pump


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM and GPS


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

DIY Ventilator Using Arduino


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Car Sales Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Obstacle Avoiding Robot Car Using Arduino


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

E-Secure Office using Face, fingerprint, password and RFID authentication with Raspberry pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

RFID Verified Temperature Monitoring Contactless Attendance System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Patient Medicine Reminder System


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IoT and Android APP


-60% NEW

Web Application

Employee leave Management System


-20% NEW

IoT Projects



-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Home Appliance control using Arduino micro controller and IR and PIR sensors


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-60% NEW

Web Application

Online Quiz System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

An Efficient Charging Station for Electric Vehicles


-50% NEW

AI Projects

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-60% NEW

Image Processing

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Employee Leave Management system


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Design and Implementation of Line Follower Robot using Arduino Microcontroller


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Path Hole Detection and Alert System


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Multiresolution Edge Detection using Particle Swarm Optimization


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Railway Track Error Detection Robot Using GPS Technology


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Machine Learning Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction


-60% NEW

Web Application

Online Food Ordering system


-60% NEW

Web Application

Vehicle Service Management System


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Employee leave Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Hospital Management System


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Air Quality Monitoring Robot


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Ecommerce Website


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Inventory Management System using Machine Learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Vitamin deficiency detection using image processing and convolution neural network


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Street light control


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects



-60% NEW

Image Processing

Early detection system for foot ulceration using Image processing


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Inventory Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Django E Commerce Eshop Applications


-60% NEW

Web Application

Inventory Management System


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Image cryptography using AES Algorithms for secure communication


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart Canteen


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Blood Bank Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Monetary Loan Eligibility Prediction using Machine


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Smart Agriculture System with IOT Using Android App


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Helmet and number plate detection and recognition Using yolo model


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Gold Price Prediction using Ensemble based Machine learning


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Banana Leaf Disease Identification Using Image Processing Methods


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Tumor Region Extraction using Edge Detection Method in Brain MRI Images


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Prediction of Wine Quality Using Machine Learning Algorithms


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Car Sales Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Demand side management techniques for residential appliances in smart homes


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Design and Implementation of Autonomous Car using Raspberry Pi


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Fraud detection in finance data using machine learning


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart Helmet and Bike Using Fingerprint


-60% NEW

Web Application

Online Job Portal


-60% NEW

Web Application

Employee Management System Using PHP, JavaScript Project


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Brain Tumor Detection and classification Using CNN with Image fusion Techniques


-60% NEW

Image Processing

False-Positive-Free GSVD-Based Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Medical Store Management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Quiz System


-0% NEW

AI Projects

AI Virtual healthcare chatbot system using deep learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Django Polling System


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning


-20% NEW

Android Projects



-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Vehicle Service Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

library management system


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Video and audio deepfake detection using deep learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Real time fish detection and tracking for smart aquarium


-20% NEW

Android Projects

Android Quiz App


-60% NEW

Web Application

Chat Application in PHP using My Sql


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Phishing websites detection using machine learning with flask web application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Django E Commerce Eshop Applications


-50% NEW

Java Projects



-60% NEW

Web Application

Online Birth Certificate System


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Network


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Movie Ticket Booking system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Gold Price Prediction using Ensemble based Machine learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Calorie Burn Prediction Analysis Using Machine Learning Project


-60% NEW

Web Application

Ecommerce Website


-20% NEW

Android Projects

Bluetooth Messenger chat app


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Human Identification from Brain EEG signals Using Advanced Machine Learning Method


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Home Service Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Detection of Cyber Bullying on Social Media using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Spam detection using machine learning Algorithm


-60% NEW

Web Application

Online Movie Ticket Booking system


-60% NEW

Web Application

Business real estate management system


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Prediction of Wine Quality Using Machine Learning Algorithms


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

IoT Android App Controlled Based Pole Climbing Robot


-60% NEW

Web Application

Medical Store Management system


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Detection of Cyber Bullying on Social Media using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Web Application



-60% NEW

Web Application

Daily Expense Tracker System


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Medical Store Management system


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Hand Gesture Recognition and Voice Conversation


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Flood Early Detection and Avoidance by IoT


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Blind Stick


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Face mask detection for covid-19 using machine learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

library management system


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Calorie Burn Prediction Analysis Using Machine Learning Project


-60% NEW

Image Processing



-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Antenna Positioning System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Gesture Based Pick and Place Robot


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

IoT Based Android App-Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smoke Detection and Alert Robot


-60% NEW

Web Application

English to Hindi Conversation Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Prediction of Underwater Surface Target through using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Hospital Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Job Portal


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

E-Commerce web application based on MERN software


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Child Vaccination Management System Flask Web Application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Prediction of House Prices Using Machine Learning


-20% NEW

Android Projects

COVID19 STAT APP using android app


-20% NEW

Android Projects

Speech to Text and Text to speech Android App


-60% NEW

Web Application



-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Wireless Electric vehicle charging system using solar


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

English to Hindi Conversation Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Gym Management System Using Php


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Crop prediction using machine learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Iris Detection for Eye Disease Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Business real estate management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Django Polling System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Bluetooth Controlled Robot and Robotic ARM


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Solar Monitoring and Power Generating System


-60% NEW

Web Application

Twitter Clone Using MERN Stack Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Depression Risk Management System using machine learning with flask web applications


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Artistic image creation using neural style transfer with GAN approach


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Crop prediction using machine learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Breast cancer detection and classification using convolution neural networks


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Phishing websites detection using machine learning with flask web application


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Real Time Border Security Robot


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Erythrocyte classification using machine learning algorithm


-60% NEW

Web Application



-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Mobile Detector Using Arduino


-60% NEW

Web Application

Child Vaccination Management System Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Home Service Management System


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Remote Patient Monitoring System


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-0% NEW

Image Processing

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-50% NEW

Java Projects

Employee Leave Management system


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Design of LC-CL compensation method for wireless power transfer


-60% NEW

Web Application



-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Object Temperature Deduction System


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Disease prognosticator detection and classification with Convolution neural networks


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Design and Implementation of Food Intelligent Monitoring System


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Depression Risk Management System using machine learning with flask web applications


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Monetary Loan Eligibility Prediction using Machine


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Helmet and number plate detection and recognition Using yolo model


-60% NEW

Web Application

E-Commerce web application based on MERN software


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Driver Drowsiness Detection and robot control system


-60% NEW

Web Application

MERN stack Chat Appilication With Translation


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Hybrid Solar Wind System for Maximum Power Generator


-50% NEW

Java Projects

Car Showroom Management System


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Face mask detection for covid-19 using machine learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Event Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Music Player Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Hospital Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-60% NEW

Web Application



-60% NEW

Python Projects

Prediction of Underwater Surface Target through using Machine Learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Video and audio deepfake detection using deep learning


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

Twitter Clone Using MERN Stack Web Application


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Real time fish detection and tracking for smart aquarium


-60% NEW

Web Application

Real Time AI Chat-bot Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Simple Product Sales Website Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript


-60% NEW

Web Application

Task Manager Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

Electrical Projects

A Single Stage AC-DC Converter with PWM control based DC Voltage Regulation


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Breast cancer detection and classification using convolution neural networks


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

EEG Based Brain Controlled Wheelchair for Physically challenging person


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Surveillance Robot


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Fraud detection in finance data using machine learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Iris Detection for Eye Disease Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Artistic image creation using neural style transfer with GAN approach


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Poem summarization using deep learning Algorithm


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Smart Bin for Smart City using IoT and Android App


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-60% NEW

Web Application

Music Player Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Skin prick test wheal detection in 3d image via convolutional neural network


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-60% NEW

Web Application

Hospital Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart City


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart Crop Monitoring System Using Machine Learning and Android Application


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Poem summarization using deep learning Algorithm


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

MERN stack Chat Appilication With Translation


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Spam detection using machine learning Algorithm


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

Task Manager Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Event Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Real Time AI Chat-bot Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Erythrocyte classification using machine learning algorithm


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Skin prick test wheal detection in 3d image via convolutional neural network


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-0% NEW

Python Projects

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Fire Fighting Robot Using Image Processing


New Projects

-60% NEW

Web Application

Hospital Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Hospital Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-60% NEW

Web Application

Music Player Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Music Player Web Application Using MERN Stack


-60% NEW

Web Application

Event Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

MERN Projects

Event Management System Web Application Using MERN Stack


-60% NEW

Web Application

Task Manager Web Application Using MERN Stack


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

Task Manager Web Application Using MERN Stack


-0% NEW

Python Projects

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

kidney stone detection and stone analysis using image processing and deep learning


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Early Detection System for Foot Ulceration in Diabetic Patients using deep learning


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Design of LC-CL compensation method for wireless power transfer


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Deep learning approach for human stress detection using haar cascade


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Smart phone addiction classification using machine learning


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Osteoporosis detection and classification using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Customer support chat bot using natural language processing


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Brain tumour detection and classification with various state analysis using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Brain tumour detection and classification with various state analysis using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Brain tumour detection and classification with various state analysis using deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW
-0% NEW

Python Projects

Multi-class classification of alzheimer's disease using 3dcnn features and multilayer perceptron


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Multi-class classification of alzheimer's disease using 3dcnn features and multilayer perceptron


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Multi-class classification of alzheimer's disease using 3dcnn features and multilayer perceptron


-0% NEW
-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

A Novel Single-Stage Buck-Boost Transformer less Inverter for 1-ϕ Grid-Connected Solar PV Systems


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart Crop Monitoring System Using Machine Learning and Android Application


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Fire Fighting Robot Using Image Processing


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Vitamin deficiency detection using image processing and convolution neural network


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Vitamin deficiency detection using image processing and convolution neural network


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Skin prick test wheal detection in 3d image via convolutional neural network


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Skin prick test wheal detection in 3d image via convolutional neural network


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Artistic image creation using neural style transfer with GAN approach


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Artistic image creation using neural style transfer with GAN approach


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Multimodal approach for identification of a person in surveillance camera using AI Approach


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Multimodal approach for identification of a person in surveillance camera using AI Approach


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Erythrocyte classification using machine learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Erythrocyte classification using machine learning algorithm


-0% NEW

Python Projects

Dynamic routing and load optimization: a predictive analytics approach to streamlining logistics


-0% NEW

Machine Learning

Dynamic routing and load optimization: a predictive analytics approach to streamlining logistics


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Disease prognosticator detection and classification with Convolution neural networks


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Disease prognosticator detection and classification with Convolution neural networks


-0% NEW

Electrical Projects

A Single Stage AC-DC Converter with PWM control based DC Voltage Regulation


-0% NEW
-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Surveillance Robot


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

EEG Based Brain Controlled Wheelchair for Physically challenging person


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart City


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Smart Bin for Smart City using IoT and Android App


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Solar Monitoring and Power Generating System


-60% NEW

Web Application

Simple Product Sales Website Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Child Vaccination Management System Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Child Vaccination Management System Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

MERN stack Chat Appilication With Translation


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

MERN stack Chat Appilication With Translation


-60% NEW

Web Application

Real Time AI Chat-bot Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Real Time AI Chat-bot Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Iris Detection for Eye Disease Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Iris Detection for Eye Disease Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Blind Stick


-60% NEW

Web Application

English to Hindi Conversation Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

English to Hindi Conversation Using Machine Learning And Flask Web Application


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Flood Early Detection and Avoidance by IoT


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Design and Implementation of Food Intelligent Monitoring System


-60% NEW

Web Application

Depression Risk Management System using machine learning with flask web applications


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Depression Risk Management System using machine learning with flask web applications


-60% NEW

Web Application

Phishing websites detection using machine learning with flask web application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Phishing websites detection using machine learning with flask web application


-60% NEW

Python Projects

College score based University rank Prediction using machine learning and Flask web application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

College score based University rank Prediction using machine learning and Flask web application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Stress detection in IT professionals big data using machine learning and flask web application


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Stress detection in IT professionals big data using machine learning and flask web application


-60% NEW

Web Application

Twitter Clone Using MERN Stack Web Application


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

Twitter Clone Using MERN Stack Web Application


-60% NEW

Web Application

E-Commerce web application based on MERN software


-60% NEW

MERN Projects

E-Commerce web application based on MERN software


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Hybrid Solar Wind System for Maximum Power Generator


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Real Time Border Security Robot


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Real time fish detection and tracking for smart aquarium


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Real time fish detection and tracking for smart aquarium


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart Helmet and Bike Using Fingerprint


-60% NEW

Web Application

Intelligent vehicle damage assessment and cost estimator for insurance using flask web application


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Intelligent vehicle damage assessment and cost estimator for insurance using flask web application


-50% NEW
-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Face mask detection for covid-19 using machine learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Face mask detection for covid-19 using machine learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

CNN autoencoder for image compression and reconstruction of remote satellite images/ radar images


-0% NEW
-0% NEW

AI Projects

AI Virtual healthcare chatbot system using deep learning


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

IoT Based Android App-Controlled Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Mobile Detector Using Arduino


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Bluetooth Controlled Robot and Robotic ARM


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Object Temperature Deduction System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Spam detection using machine learning Algorithm


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Spam detection using machine learning Algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Poem summarization using deep learning Algorithm


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Poem summarization using deep learning Algorithm


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Helmet and number plate detection and recognition Using yolo model


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Helmet and number plate detection and recognition Using yolo model


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smoke Detection and Alert Robot


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Video and audio deepfake detection using deep learning


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Video and audio deepfake detection using deep learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Fraud detection in finance data using machine learning


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Fraud detection in finance data using machine learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Detecting and mitigating clinical errors in electronic health records using deep learning


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Detecting and mitigating clinical errors in electronic health records using deep learning


-0% NEW

Image Processing

Breast cancer detection and classification using convolution neural networks


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Breast cancer detection and classification using convolution neural networks


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Gesture Based Pick and Place Robot


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

IoT Android App Controlled Based Pole Climbing Robot


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

Smart Agriculture System with IOT Using Android App


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Antenna Positioning System


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Wireless Electric vehicle charging system using solar


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Driver Drowsiness Detection and robot control system


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects



-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Design and Implementation of Autonomous Car using Raspberry Pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Demand side management techniques for residential appliances in smart homes


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Hand Gesture Recognition and Voice Conversation


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Remote Patient Monitoring System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Patient Medicine Reminder System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

DIY Ventilator Using Arduino


-0% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Deep Learning Based Weed Detection and Plucking


-60% NEW
-60% NEW
-60% NEW

Image Processing

Real time Music player control using hand gesture recognition with deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Real time Music player control using hand gesture recognition with deep learning algorithm


-60% NEW
-60% NEW
-60% NEW

Python Projects

Monetary Loan Eligibility Prediction using Machine


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Prediction of Underwater Surface Target through using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Detection of Cyber Bullying on Social Media using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Rainfall Prediction using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Crop prediction using machine learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Machine Learning Techniques for Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Calorie Burn Prediction Analysis Using Machine Learning Project


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Inventory Management System using Machine Learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Car Sales Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Gold Price Prediction using Ensemble based Machine learning


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Prediction of Wine Quality Using Machine Learning Algorithms


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Quiz System


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Design of Multilevel Inverter with Asymmetrical Voltage Sources with Reduced Number of Switches


-30% NEW

Electrical Projects

Design and implementation of PV based positive output super lift Luo converter fed BLDC motor


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Home Service Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Employee Leave Management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Vehicle Service Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Django E Commerce Eshop Applications


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Ecommerce Website


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Job Portal


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Django Polling System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Employee leave Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Inventory Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

library management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Medical Store Management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Medical Store Management system


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Railway Track Error Detection Robot Using GPS Technology


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Hospital Management System


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Business real estate management system


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Blood Bank Management System


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Smart Canteen


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Online Movie Ticket Booking system


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Face & fingerprint based bank locker security system using raspberry pi with otp verification


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart shopping trolley using Raspberry pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Vehicle Tracking and Locking System Based on GSM and GPS


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Virtual bank assistance using Artificial intelligent with voice bot for better banking


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Virtual bank assistance using Artificial intelligent with voice bot for better banking


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Virtual bank assistance using Artificial intelligent with voice bot for better banking


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Multimodal biometric system based on Human signature and Palm Image


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

Implementation of a Child Rescue System from Bore well for Long Range Applications


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

An Efficient Charging Station for Electric Vehicles


-0% NEW

IoT Projects

IOT Based Smart Army Uniform


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Hand Gesture Detection for Multi language recognition Using Convolutional neural Network


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Hand Gesture Detection for Multi language recognition Using Convolutional neural Network


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Hand Gesture Detection for Multi language recognition Using Convolutional neural Network


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Hand Gesture Detection for Multi language recognition Using Convolutional neural Network


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-60% NEW

Image Processing

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-0% NEW

AI Projects

Insect pest image detection and recognition based on deep learning algorithm


-60% NEW

Python Projects

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-60% NEW

Image Processing

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-50% NEW

AI Projects

An Automated System to Limit COVID-19 Using Facial Mask Detection and CNN


-30% NEW

Raspberry Pi Projects

Smart Receptionist Robot with Face identification and voice based chat system using raspberry pi


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Home Appliance control using Arduino micro controller and IR and PIR sensors


-20% NEW

Embedded Projects

Automatic Robotic Arm control using Arduino micro controller and Servo motors


-20% NEW

IoT Projects

IoT Based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System using STM32


-60% NEW

Python Projects

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Network


-70% NEW

Machine Learning

Content Based Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Network
